Using Themes

Writing a screenplay is much like an act of sleight-of-hand.  As the writer, you are constantly saying to your audience, “Don’t look over there, look here!”  You do that by deciding what you show to your reader.  What you present to your audience makes an argument for a specific universe with specific values and ideas.  … More Using Themes

Metaphors In Motion

We’ve talked about how to use Dramatic Metaphors.  Let’s take a look at a few examples. Star Wars One of the most iconic image/metaphors the lightsaber in “Star Wars.”  It represents the embodiment of power and skill, the ability to do battle and defend oneself.  To be able to use a lightsaber demonstrates reliance on … More Metaphors In Motion

More on Metaphors

Dramatic Metaphors As we discussed last time, a Dramatic Metaphor is one in which a character or group of characters have a specific relationship to an image or symbol.  (For a more detailed understanding of Semiotics see Umberto Eco’s, Articulations of The Cinematic Code).  The point is: as your story evolves, the emotional content in … More More on Metaphors

Visual Storytelling

Sight and Sound Storytelling in film demands two of ours senses: sight and sound. Sound is everything from dialogue to music and effects.  (More on use of sound and music cues in your screenplay later.) Sight is everything that the audience sees when they watch the film. As we’ve discussed, it’s why description and narrative … More Visual Storytelling